AddictionYep, I said it. Addiction.
With all the beautiful fabrics, notions & patterns available it's very easy for a hobby to become an addiction. If you're anything like me (and I know most of my fellow seamstresses are) you have quite the collection of goodies to work with.
At the moment, my main addiction is patterns. I already have hundreds of yards of fabric that I *could* be creating with, I just need to take that plunge & cut into it already.
Some of the fabric in my collection has become highly sought after & hard to find, making it that much harder to make that cut....seriously, it's painful to even think about it.
What if I don't like the way it turns out?
What if I find a pattern down the road that would suite the fabric better? When you begin thinking like this, that is when you truly know your hobby is not a hobby anymore, but an addiction.
I've come to the realization that If I don't start using these glorious fabrics for their intended purpose soon, I will be forced to part with them (not by my choice).
So, what's a girl to do? Find the coolest patterns she possibly can to let the true beauty of the fabric shine thru. How do you do that, you may ask? Why, you simply get yourself a subscription to
Ottobre magazine. This, my friends will not only inspire you to cut into your beloved fabric, but to do so as often as possible.
I got my first issue the other day & have been pouring over its brilliance every chance I get. Starting Monday, I will begin my Ottobre sewing, moving next to
Farbenmix , most of which do come translated into english. A great place to buy both Ottobre & Farbenmix is
Happy sewing :-)